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Registered and non-registered clinical skills

UHB staff

We deliver several clinical skills courses regularly throughout the year. These include:

If you would like to attend a course, please book in advance via easylearning. Most courses have an accompanying Moodle module which will you will need to complete and pass before attending a face-to-face classroom session.

We can offer bespoke courses to departments that need to upskill or train a significant number of staff due to clinical demand. We also have a large inventory of clinical skills equipment, mannequins and training devices, which we can loan out to UHB teams on a short-term basis.

External providers

External providers are welcome to book rooms, facilities and equipment in our clinical skills centres at Good Hope, Heartlands, Solihull and Queen Elizabeth hospitals.

Further information

Please contact the Clinical Skills and Simulation department for further information.

Last reviewed: 09 December 2024