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Junior doctor training and resources

We use the Moodle platform to provide junior doctors with everything they may need when starting or working at the Trust. We have site-specific handbooks providing information about a variety of things, including parking permits, annual leave forms, information on IT systems, study leave, maps and more.

Alongside the site-specific handbooks, we have grade-specific courses for Foundation, Core and JSD doctors. These contain teaching timetables and recorded sessions, ARCP and study leave information that is specific to your grade, plus information on simulation training and bookings for conferences.

We have a virtual learning environment on Moodle, giving specialties an online space to host virtual local teaching and inductions, as well as uploading rotas and clinical timetables you can access off-site.

You will need to log in to Moodle to view this information for junior doctors.

You should have been set up with a Moodle account when you joined the trust, but if you have any issues with accessing your account, please contact the Junior Doctors Project Team.

Last reviewed: 24 October 2024