Frequently asked questions are available for individual staff members and for managers.
What's my password?
You set your own password yourself when you register to use easylearning. Therefore, you need to remember this password.
If you've forgotten your password, you will need to reset it using the reset link, which is available on the easylearning login page.
How do I view my training record?
To view your training record, log in to easylearning, then click "My Training Record", which should appear in the "Reports" box on your home page.
The start date is the date of the training. Date booked is when it was recorded.
Under “My Certificates” there are skills that I don't think I require. What do I do?
Please ask your manager to email the relevant team, who will pass this on to the relevant lead for approval of the exemption.
- (Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham)
- (Good Hope, Heartlands and Solihull hospitals)
What happens to my mandatory training record if I am absent for an extended period (for example maternity, secondment, career break or paternity leave)?
Your training record will drop into the “non-mandatory” section until you return to work. There may be a short delay while your electronic staff record (ESR) record is updated with your absence.
I have received an email reminder. How do I book my training?
Please click on the link in the email reminder and log into easylearning.
- Once you have selected your course, click "Book"
- Select whether the training is for you or someone else (managers can book their team on), then click "Continue"
- Check that it's the correct course and select a date
- Click "Continue" if correct, or "Discard" if incorrect
- Check that your line manager is correct. If not, please update this, as your manager will need to authorise your training
- Tick the box to accept the terms and conditions, then click "Continue"
The booking will then be sent to your line manager for approval.
I've booked but I haven’t received a confirmation email
When you book a course, an email is sent to your manager to approve it.
Once your manager has approved your training request, you should receive a confirmation email. If you don't receive this, please check with your manager that the booking is approved.
How do I see more than the first eight dates for a course?
By default, only the first eight dates for each course are displayed in easylearning.
To see more dates, click “show all events” above the list of course dates.
What do I do if I can't find my line manager on easylearning?
Please email the relevant team, who will be able to help.
- (Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham)
- (Good Hope, Heartlands and Solihull hospitals)
If I can’t attend a booked session, can I rebook or cancel?
To cancel a training session you are already booked onto, log in to easylearning and under “my training” click the date you would like to cancel.
On the following screen you will see the option to cancel your booking.
If you are unable to cancel your training session, it means that your request has not yet been approved by your line manager. In this case you will need to contact your manager to cancel it.
To rebook a session, cancel your booked session first, then book your preferred alternative date.
I have received a feedback form online but I completed one at the classroom session. Do I need to do both?
You don’t have to complete two feedback forms.
As the easylearning system is still fairly new we ask participants to complete one of the two feedback forms (online or hard copy).
The longer-term plan is that all learners will complete feedback forms online.
How can I download my certificates?
To download your certificates, log in to easylearning and click "My Training Record" in the "Reports" box on your home page.
You will be able to see your certificates by clicking on the red rosette next to your confirmed attendance. Unfortunately, you will not be able to see any certificates for courses completed before implementation of the easylearning system at UHB.
How do I edit my team?
If you're a line manager, there are two ways someone can be added to your team:
- The individual can select you as their line manager when they register, or
- You can contact the team by emailing
Can I view my team members' certificates and training records?
As well as viewing your own certificates, if you're a line manager you can see certificates for individual members of your team and a summary for the whole team.
Users who have been assigned the shared responsibility of compliance dashboard by a line manager will also be able to see the team certificates summary page. If you click the link for each of the training subjects you can see who has completed what, and who has training outstanding.
You can also see an overview of each team member and their booking history by viewing their training records.
Certificates and training records for members of your team are available via their links at the top of the "My Team" box.
Why am I receiving reminder emails for members of my team who are already booked onto training?
Reminder emails from easylearning are automatic. If you're a line manager, you will keep receiving these until the team member has completed the training.
A team member's details have changed (e.g. they've changed their name). How do I update easylearning?
The records in easylearning are pulled through from the electronic staff record (ESR).
If you want to update the records of a member of your team please complete the relevant change form for Payroll. When Payroll update ESR, this will feed through to easylearning.
How can I book members of my team onto training?
You can book your staff on training for skills that they're required to update via the “course search” link.
When you've found the course you want them to be booked for, click “I want to make this purchase for someone else”, then follow the process to complete the booking.
How does line manager authorisation work?
If you're a line manager, the system sends you an email to ask you to authorise training requests from your team members.
If a member of your team asks you to authorise training and you have not received the email request, please log on easylearning. On the right side of the homepage there is a section called “My Task List”. If you have any training requests from your team they will be located here.
Why do I need to authorise training?
To ensure full use of training sessions, all courses must be authorised by the line manager via easylearning.
If the request has been on the system for more than 14 days without being authorised, the place will be cancelled to enable others to book on.
Please note that if you don’t have access to a computer to accept or decline training requests for your team members (because you're on leave, for example), the system allows you to give proxy authorisation to another member of your team (e.g. a personal assistant) who will be able to accept or decline these requests on your behalf.
How do I share responsibilities in easylearning?
"My Shared Responsibilities" allows you to give another user the ability to do things on your behalf, which is useful if someone else organises training for your team or they will be covering in your absence.
When in this section, click on the "add" button. Search for the user who you wish to share responsibilities with and click on their name. From the list, pick which functions you would like them to have access to and click "share".
How do I cancel a booking for a member of my team?
Follow these steps to cancel a member of your team's booking:
- Log in to easylearning, and find your team members near the bottom of your home page. Click on the blue person icon next to the required team member's name
- On the summary of their skills, click "Training Record"
- Under the "bookings" heading, click the number that relates to the training you would like to cancel
- Click "Cancel Booking"
- Enter the reason for the cancellation and your contact number
- Click "Cancel Booking"
- When the confirmation of the cancellation has loaded, click "Done"
Last reviewed: 25 October 2024