If you're unable to find the contact details you need on the relevant part of the site, please contact the relevant team via the email address listed.
Apprenticeships | apprenticeships@uhb.nhs.uk |
Careers advice | OneFrontDoor@uhb.nhs.uk |
Careers development platform | StaffExperience@uhb.nhs.uk |
easylearning | EasyLearning@uhb.nhs.uk |
Functional skills | OneFrontDoor@uhb.nhs.uk |
General enquiries | OneFrontDoor@uhb.nhs.uk |
Moodle | moodle.administration@uhb.nhs.uk |
Postgraduate medical education (Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham) | QEPostgraduateMedicalEducation@uhb.nhs.uk |
Postgraduate medical education (Good Hope, Heartlands and Solihull hospitals) | PostgraduateTeam@uhb.nhs.uk |
Simulation | simulation@uhb.nhs.uk |
Undergraduate medical education | undergraduateoffice@uhb.nhs.uk |
Work experience | OneFrontDoor@uhb.nhs.uk |
Last reviewed: 24 October 2024