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Savings and loans

UHB works with a number of organisations that can support staff’s financial wellbeing.

Barclays Money Mentors, Citysave and Salary Finance provide comprehensive financial advice and support as part of our well-being offer.

Barclays Money Mentors

The Barclays Money Mentors are trained staff who can offer impartial financial guidance, regardless of who you bank with.

This includes guidance around:

  • money management
  • budgeting and credit score
  • save and invest 
  • lending, including:
    • Overdrafts
    • Credit cards
    • Personal loans
  • mortgages, from first-time buyer support to moving home
  • managing money online
  • fraud and scam prevention 

Advice is also available from:

  • a premier banking specialist
  • a business banking consultant

To get in touch with Barclays Money Mentors, and to set up a consultation, please email the service.


Please include in your email a desired date and time for your session and indicate which type of support you would like.

The Barclays Money Mentors Team will be visiting our sites throughout the year. You can make an appointment in advance or just drop in on one of the days listed below, between 10:00 - 15:00.

Location Dates
Heartlands Hospital - 
Opposite A and E (old main entrance)
24 January, 20 March, 22 May, 24 July, 26 September, 20 November
Good Hope Hospital -
Opposite Richard Salt
27 March, 26 June, 25 September, 18 December
Solihull Hospital - 
Wellbeing Hub, Education Centre
26 February, 22 April, 24 June, 26 August, 21 October, 16 December
Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham -
Outside main entrance
7 February, 6 March, 3 April, 1 May, 5 June, 3 July, 7 August, 4 September, 2 October, 6 November, 4 December

Virtual Mortgage Clinics

Barclays would love the opportunity to support and guide you through any house plans you may have now or in the future. You can discuss:

  • moving your mortgage
  • improving your home
  • moving home
  • costs and planning
  • processes
  • credit score and affordability

Virtual clinics will be run on the following dates in 2024:

  • Thursday 21 March
  • Thursday 18 April
  • Thursday 23 May
  • Thursday 20 June
  • Thursday 18 July
  • Thursday 15 August
  • Thursday 12 September
  • Thursday 17 October
  • Thursday 21 November

To request a telephone appointment, please get in touch via the email address below with your choice of time:


UHB considers regular savings and avoidance of high cost pay day loans to be an essential part of financial wellbeing.

We have partnered with Citysave Credit Union to provide staff with access to simple regular savings and fair priced loans, direct from net pay under a payroll deduction scheme.

Citysave Credit Union is a member benefit organisation and all profits belong to its customers. Please see their website for more information on their services.

Why save with Citysave?

Having a regular savings plan helps build up a fund of money towards Christmas, a holiday or just for a rainy day.

With Citysave, the money comes directly out of your wages, meaning that saving has never been easier. In addition, surplus profits the credit union makes are available for you to share in the form of a yearly dividend. 

Citysave is covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS) meaning your savings are secure up to £85,000.

To join and start saving, please complete the application form on the Citysave website.

Citysave loans

Citysave also offers fair-priced loans. Approval and interest rates are subject to application and status.

For more information on their payroll loans, please see the Citysave website.

Free mortgage advice

Lucra Mortgages offer UHB staff the opportunity to book a free one-to-one meeting with the mortgage experts from Lucra. You can book a free review on your mortgage with Lucra at any time, by contacting them directly. Whether you are looking to buy your first house or get a better deal, Lucra can help. As an NHS employee you may be eligible for exclusive mortgage rates and enhanced income multiples with participating lenders, subject to lending criteria and credit scoring.

Additionally Lucra provide educational resources such as videos, available below:

You can book a free review on your mortgage options with Lucra at any time by contacting them directly:

Or, click on the following link to book an appointment:

Salary Finance

Salary Finance is a new employee benefit that could help you worry less about money by making it simple. 

Through Salary Finance you will have access to: 

  • Borrow, affordably through salary
    • Access affordable loans with lower interest rates. Designed as an alternative to high interest credit cards, overdrafts and payday loans - it can be used to pay off existing debt quicker and cheaper, cover an unexpected expense or help you achieve your money goals. Representative Rate 13.9% APR (fixed)
    • For loans under £5,000, Salary Finance offers a price promise - if you get a better rate, they'll match it.


    Learn better money habits
    • The Learn platform offers educational resources in all shapes and sizes to suit different financial situations and learning styles, including webinars, YouTube-style insights, guides, tools, calculators, webinars, articles and blog posts.

To find out more and apply, please visit the Salary Finance website.


The Salary Finance service is an option, not a recommendation. University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust does not benefit from offering this service and all your communications will be with Salary Finance. Loan applications will be assessed to ensure the loan is appropriate and affordable for you. "Learn" content is for guidance and educational purposes only and is generic in nature. Salary Finance does not offer regulated financial advice. Please seek independent financial advice.

There are other organisations which can offer advice and support with financial issues like debt and gambling.

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