Workplace adjustments
You can find more information about disability, support and guidance on the intranet (please note that as the link is on the intranet, it may not open if off-site):
This page explains the process for requesting and implementing workplace adjustments for disabled staff, as well as support that is available. If you have any questions please contact us.
The Trust's guidance document for the implementation of workplace adjustments is essential reading for line managers and disabled staff. it explains what a workplace adjustment is, how to request, and the process to follow. UHB has a central pathway to purchase, install and implement workplace adjustments once they have been recommended.
Access to Work
This guide gives an overview of the Access to Work service provided by the Department for Work and Pensions and the centralised pathway at University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust (UHB) to implement their recommendation. Access to Work supports staff with a disability, neurodiversity illness or health condition, including mental health who are:
- in paid employment or self-employed
- about to start employment (applications are accepted 12 weeks before starting a role)
- in need of help at a job interview with an employer
- about to start a Work Trial
- about to start a Department for Education supported internship or traineeship
- about to start a self-arranged work experience or young person’s work experience
- serving an apprenticeship
Access to Work recognises that people are disabled by barriers in society, not by their impairment or difference. Barriers can be physical, or they can be caused by people’s attitudes to difference, like assuming disabled people can’t do certain activities within the workplace. This approach helps Access to Work recognise barriers that make life harder for disabled people. Removing these barriers creates equality and offers disabled people more independence, choice and control. In some cases, this may mean only slight adjustments to the working environment.
There are different elements of Access to Work, including:
- Communication Support at Interview
- Travel to Work, including Travel in Work
- Support Worker
- Adaptations to Premises and Equipment
- Special Aids and Equipment
To receive support through Access to Work, staff must:
- Be disabled, or have an illness or a health condition that impacts on their ability to work
- Be 16 or over (there’s no upper age limit for support as long as employment is likely to continue)
- Have the right to work in Great Britain
- Be living in Great Britain
Someone is disabled under the Equality Act 2010 if they have a physical or mental impairment that has a substantial, negative effect on their ability to do normal daily activities. Staff whose disability, illness or health condition does not substantially affect their normal day to day activities but has a considerable adverse effect on their ability to do their job can also apply.
All staff are encouraged to share their disability status on ESR. This is confidential and no one in your team, including your line manager will see this information unless you choose to share it with them. Knowing about your disability can help us to ensure UHB has the right support in place for everyone. For more information about sharing your disability contact the Inclusion Team by emailing:
How to apply
Staff do not need a formal diagnosis to request support from Access to Work. Access to Work will not diagnose, but they will support any member of staff experiencing a difference or disadvantage at work because of a disability, long term health condition, mental health condition or neurodiversity, regardless of if this has been formally diagnosed of not.
A staff member must contact Access to Work directly. Line managers and other teams can direct staff to Access to Work, but can not make the initial referral on behalf of a member of staff, though they can support a member of staff to make the referral themselves. Contact details can be found on the Access to Work website.
We recommend that staff request the Inclusion Team be included and that staff request reports to also be sent to this will ensure adjustments are implemented as quickly as possible.
Applications are closed if there has been no contact with the applicant after three attempts, if a letter goes unanswered for ten days, or if an applicant wishes to end their application at any point. When direct information is requested from either a staff member or manager, this should be provided within 72 hours, or an application may be closed.
Access to Work will need to assess how a member of staff’s condition affects the way they can or will do their job, which may include arranging an independent holistic workplace assessment. This will be with a specialist for an objective analysis of how the member of staff’s condition will affect their ability to do a job. This will either be carried out online or in person. Access to Work will not fund costs of diagnosis for conditions or disabilities.
Access to Work will then write all those named on the application including the employee, the manager, and the Inclusion team (if the email address was included on the application), with the suggested alterations, adaptions, or equipment to enable the member of staff to carry out their role.
Employers have a legal responsibility to make adequate provision for disabled people present on their premises including:
- Building (Fourth Amendment) Regulations, 1985
- Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons (Amendment) Act, 1976
- Health and Safety Acts and other Regulations
- Equality Act 2010
- England and Wales – Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005
Once a member of staff has received a report from Access to Work this should be sent to the Access to Work team as soon as possible, on the below email address:
The Inclusion Team will discuss the suggested adjustments with the member of staff. Once agreed the Inclusion Team will purchase the elements from a central budget. Physical items will be delivered to the member of staff’s area of work, software will be purchased and the member of staff will then need to raise a ticket with the IT service desk for installation, training will be purchased and the member of staff can arrange for this training to be completed at a convenient time.
Items with recurrent costs such as transport to and from work or support workers will need to be organised by the department directly.
Whilst the ordering and delivery process is underway the Inclusion Team will provide weekly updates to the member of staff and their line manager and can be contacted at any time to discuss progress.
The average cost of a reasonable adjustment suggested by Access to Work is under £70. Staff that apply to Access to Work within their first 6 weeks of working at the Trust will have all costs fully reimbursed by Access to Work and are more likely to have the adjustments that they require in place when they start in post. Applications made after 6 weeks will be reimbursed at roughly 80% of the cost. The Inclusion Team will organise and request any reimbursement that is due to the trust.
Access to Work will also consider paying grants of up to 100% of the cost of certain types of provision, including:
- The Mental Health Support Service
- Support workers
- Additional travel to and in work
- Communication support at interviews.
Access to Work process
The process starts with the individual making an online, telephone or postal application, where they will provide contact information, and answer general questions about their health condition and employment status for an initial eligibility review.
- The Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) may reject provision after considering the customer's eligibility and employer’s duty to make reasonable adjustments
- The customer would then be notified that their application has not been approved
Access to Work Application process
- Approval: DWP approves provision (element and/or workplace assessment) after considering the customer’s eligibility and employer’s duty to make reasonable adjustments
- Assessment: There will be an assessment to explore workplace-related barriers to employment and make recommendations on how these can be overcome. In some, but not all cases, the outcome of an assessment can be the recommendation for provision of one or more elements
- No further provision approved: If, after the assessment, no elements are approved,the customer will be notified
- Element approved: If one or more elements are approved, the customer is notified and a grant is approved to cover all or some of the costs of the approved provision
- Notification: The customer is notified and the grant is approved to cover all / some of the costs of the approved provision
- Commissioning: The Inclusion Team will arrange and purchase all elements recommended by Access to Work using a central budget code for reasonable adjustments. Ensure reports are sent to as quickly as possible so there are no delays in staff receiving their adjustments.
- Receipt: The customer then receives the approved and commissioned provision
- Payment: The inclusion Team will then submit reimbursement claims to Access to Work
- Review: DWP schedules reviews to ensure the provision is still adequate and to check that the customer is still eligible
Applicants cannot appeal against a level of reward, but for each award, an applicant is allowed one reconsideration by a different assessor. Reviews take place, at a minimum, annually.
All staff can receive an annual review from Access to Work to assess if their needs have changed or if Access to Work can make any further recommendations for adjustments. We would recommend that all staff contact Access to Work to request this review every 12 months.
Further information
For information about UHB’s Disability or Long Term Health Condition Staff Network or Neurodiversity Staff Network, or to speak to a member of the Inclusion team, please contact:
Full details of the access to work process can be found in GOV.UK's staff guide.
Further information on reasonable adjustments is also available on the NHS Employers website.
Neurodiversity Toolkit
All UHB staff have access to a Neurodiversity Toolkit. The Neurodiversity Toolkit is designed to support neurodivergent colleagues, line managers and the wider organisation. The toolkit is split into 5 sections.
Introduction to Neurodiversity
This section explains the term neurodiversity and the benefits of understanding more about it for individuals, managers, colleagues and the organisation. It also covers workplace adjustments, disability confidence and etiquette and how to spot an issue in the workplace. It is recommended that everyone read this section before using the rest of the guidance.
Self-help guide
This includes a self-help questionnaire designed to direct individuals to relevant advice quickly and easily. Some people may wish to read all of it. Individuals are encouraged to identify potential workplace adjustments they think would be of benefit to them or that could resolve an issue, then discuss these with their line-manager.
Line managers guide
Line-managers are encouraged to use this guide to understand how they can make workplace adjustments for neuro-divergent individuals. Firstly to enable those individuals to work more effectively and achieve their full potential and secondly to resolve any workplace issues.
Tools and techniques
This section gives added detail and advice for both individual and managers to enable more effective use of the equipment resources or techniques referred to in the guides.
Fact sheets
Finally, the last section includes fact sheets about a number of conditions under the neuro-diversity umbrella. These give an overview of the condition plus basic tips and advice.
- Download the ADHD fact sheet
- Download the Auditory Processing Disorder fact sheet
- Download the Autism fact sheet
- Download the Dyscalculia fact sheet
- Download the Dysgraphia fact sheet
- Download the Dyslexia fact sheet
- Download the Dyspraxia fact sheet
- Download the Irlen Syndrome fact sheet
- Download the Tourettes Syndrome face sheet
You can find more information about neurodiversity on the Neurodiversity Staff Network page on the intranet. (please note that as the link is on the intranet, it may not open if off-site):