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Conference 2024 Workshops and Breakouts

Workshops and Breakouts

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Day 1 Workshops

Title Description Delivered by
1. Applying for a research training award – what makes a good application?   This workshop will explore how to build a competitive application for funders. Using the person-project-place structure we will discuss over/under selling your potential, what constitutes a good project, what funders want to see in host statements. Lastly, we will discuss personal circumstances and reasonable adjustments – what to include?    Delivered by Dr Caroline Miller PhD MCSP, Clinical Academic Lead, Nurses, AHPs and Midwives, Clinical Specialist Physiotherapist Upper Limb, Deputy Clinical Director of Research, University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust. 
2. Pitch Perfect: Delivering An Effective Presentation. The ‘pitch perfect’ workshop will provide the participants with useful tips in preparing an interesting and persuasive presentation. It will also explore effective and dynamic ways of interacting with the audience when delivering a presentation.   Delivered by Sherwin Criseno BSc, INP, MSc (Endocrinology), MSC (Advanced Clinical Practice)Consultant Nurse/Lead Nurse- Endocrinology & Metabolism, University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust 
3. Equality diversity and inclusion and patient and public involvement in research, quality improvement and service evaluation. Do you want to know why and how we involve stakeholders in research and its importance? Join this interactive session led by our patient partners. Attending this workshop will help you identify where to access patient and public involvement across UHB and will include examples of how good patient and public involvement can help your project be a success and maximise recruitment.   Delivered by Anne Devril – Patient Representative Clinical Research Ambassadors' Group & Teresa Melody - Head of Research Education, University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust 
4. Experience based co-design (involving patients in service improvement). Attend this interactive session on how to bring patients and staff together to think about how to make services even more patient centred. Learn how to draw on the experiences of patients, carers, and staff to identify where change is needed and then to design and implement improvements together. The workshop will guide you through some of the key steps involved in experience-based co-design.     Delivered by Naomi Stockley – Experiences of Care Programme Lead at the Point of Care Foundation and Lisa Shepherd.  
5. Research Delivery Career Opportunities.  This workshop will highlight the range of careers (clinical and non-clinical) and associated development opportunities within research delivery at UHB and the wider research landscape. Led by  Dr Nicola Anderson (Lead Nurse, RD& I Research Education, Research Fellow at University of Birmingham & NIHR Senior Research Leader for Nursing and Midwifery) the workshop will offer insights from professionals from various backgrounds who work in a variety of senior research roles about their research delivery career pathway. There will be an opportunity for Q & A from the attendees to learn more about how to get started in a research delivery career alongside the support and development opportunities available at UHB and beyond to become a research delivery leader.   Speakers include: 
  • Golaleh McGinnell (Deputy Clinical Manager, NIHR Clinical Research Facility) 
  • Mary Bellamy (Lead Research Nurse) 
  • Charlotte Radovanovic (Programme Manager - AI & Digital Health Research) 
  • Kady Hutton (Senior Research Grant Officer)   
  • Rachel Evans (Senior Research Facilitator)  
Led and chaired by Dr Nicola Anderson – Lead Nurse, RD& I Research Education & NIHR Senior Research leader, University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust. 
6. Quality Improvement in 60 Minutes!  This session will look to equip you with the tools and techniques to undertake quality improvement. Using the NHS model for improvement as a foundation, we will cover problem exploration, PDSA cycles and creativity through a practical exercise.    Delivered by Rob McEwan – Digital Transformational Commercial Lead, UHB Trust and Abi Evans, Transformation Manager, University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust. 
7. Writing for publication – how to get started? If you dare to believe you can write – but need some more help to do it - this workshop is for you!   We will give you a short talk on the mechanics of writing including guidance on authorship and reporting, and general top tips for being able to express what you intend to say and for your chosen target audience within the IMRAD format (Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion). Then we will give you the opportunity to engage in a panel discussion with a team of experienced academic writers. The ability to write is a skill and like any other skill, is something we can get better at with time and practice. We are looking forward to some stimulating and enriching creativity and discussion in our workshop!   Led & chaired by Professor Annie Topping – University of Birmingham & University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust.  Assisted by: Ibiwumi Arowolo – Lead Nurse, HCOP (healthcare for older people), QE (Queen Elizabeth) UHB.  Camilla Dawson - Consultant Speech and Language Therapist-Dysphagia and Altered Airways, UHB,   Honorary Associate Professor Institute of Clinical Sciences, College of Medical and Dental Sciences University of Birmingham, National SLT Cancer Lead, Get it Right First Time (GIRFT), NHS England.  

Day 2 - Breakouts

Title Descriptions Delivered by
1. Learn from our Learners! There are up to 900 learners on placement at any one time across the TrustJoin this session to hear about lived experiences and stories directly from the studentsFind out about our innovative and award-winning placements and the difference they are making to wards, departments and patient care.    Delivered by the Practice Placement Team, Innovations & Projects Team & the Student Nursing Associate Team  
2. Taking care of ourselves Working in healthcare is stressful! This wellbeing session will provide strategies and resources to help recognise and cope with stress, that can be used in daily life. Delivered by the Professional Development & Education Team and used within Preceptorship and the Health Care Support Worker development programmes.  
3. Fun with Sim  Join the Clinical Skills, Simulation and Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) team for a highly interactive session and experience the increasingly varied types of simulation-based education available.   Clinical Skills, Simulation & TEL Team
4. Specialist Education games with a twist Join the Specialist Educators for fun, interactive and interesting games to learn new and wonderful things about our body and its systems.   Specialist Educators
5. Mindfulness:  Happiness Meditation The direct connection between mindfulness and happiness is well-documentedThis session is designed to help you integrate mindfulness into your daily life, positively impacting your professional and personal environments. Avinash Bansode
6. Student Nursing Associate Stories Our nursing associates are amazingCome and listen to their career journeys, trials, tribulations and incredible successesMeet the Team who go above and beyond to support, encourage and look after student nursing associates across the Trust.
7. Try some Yoga Simple, loving ways of movement: An invitation to slow down & turn toward your body in a loving mannerAll abilities. Delivered by George Lane (she/her), CEO, Yoga for Every Health.
8. Reflection- I would like to be the best version of myself  Reflection and as a result reflective practice can empower us to be the self-aware, emotionally intelligent individual we want to be and need to be for our patients and studentsJoin Dr Nicola Clarke, Associate Professor in Academic Reflective Practice at BCU for a session that will explore your own understanding of reflection and reflective practiceUncover reflections theoretical underpinnings to ensure we have that important evidence informed understanding of what reflection isExplore how you can engage in reflection and how this can translate into reflective practice.  Dr Nicola Clarke, Associate Professor in Academic Reflective Practice at BCU


Teaching & Learning Building, University of Birmingham, B15 2TT

Last reviewed: 29 August 2024