Success factors for flexible working
Performance is more important than presence
Staff performance should be measured by what is achieved, not by how many hours or onsite presence they put in.
Patients and service needs come first
All staff are entitled to make a case for working flexibly, but there will be situations where a specific arrangement will not work due to the needs of the service and patient care.
No one-size-fits-all
There is no one-size-fits-all solution. The best working arrangements are tailored to the job, individual and their department.
Flexibility involves give and take
Responsibility for making it work must be shared by employees and managers. Together you need to assess opportunities and challenges in any proposed arrangement openly and honestly.
Careers should not be penalised
The careers of staff working flexibly should not suffer; business need, performance and skills should be the basis for promotion. As new job opportunities arise, employees and managers should discuss and decide the location and hours of work required.
Arrangements should be regularly reviewed
New working patterns need to be flexible enough to respond to business requirements and changes in individual circumstances. Arrangements should be regularly reviewed to ensure they are still working for both the member of staff and UHB.