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What to include in a flexible working request

To support flexible working requests, we have developed an online form. This will make it easier to apply, easier to review requests and easier for UHB to understand how flexible we are!

This form is available for every member of staff who wishes to request a flexible working arrangement. You will need to complete all stages of the form prior to submitting it.

Once it has been submitted it will be sent to your nominated line manager and you will receive an email confirmation with a reference number which you can quote at any time should you require it.

Please note that your assignment number will be required on this form.

Once your manager has reviewed the request, they will then complete their part of the form. You will receive an email letting you know whether it has been accepted or declined, or if a trial or compromise has been suggested.

A decision should be received within 14 calendar days. If this is not the case please email the team.

If you already have flexible working in place your manager can complete the form.

We know that some colleagues already have flexible working in place or are able to agree their request via a conversation with their manager. This form enables you, as their manager, to log the fact that a flexible working arrangement is in place or has recently been agreed. It will also enable you to backdate it if this is something you have agreed with your member of staff for some time!

When completing a flexible working request form, please consider the following:

  • What changes are you seeking and how will they be accommodated?
  • What are you willing to compromise if your initial request cannot be fully accommodated? What are your 'hard no' elements and what can you be flexible with?
  • Could you start with a trial period?
  • Be clear about what flexibility you have regarding the request (e.g. can you be flexible in order to attend key meetings?)
  • How will your colleagues manage if your work pattern changes? If you have any colleagues or friends who are already working flexibly, you could ask them about their experiences
  • What effect will changing your work pattern have on your job?
  • Include how your plans will not impact the department's work and how any potential problems your plans may present to your department could be overcome. For example, it may mean that you will not be in work when your department opens each morning. What effect will this have on the department and how could it be managed?


Flexible working will only be effective if the chosen flexible working pattern matches the requirements of the role and responsibilities.

To explore what flexible working options are suitable for you, please see the flexible working options page.

Top tip: submit your flexible working request as far in advance of your proposed new work arrangement start date as possible. This will ensure your line manager has time to consider your request.  

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